National Pet First Aid Awareness Month

National Pet First Aid Awareness Month is in the month of April each year. This is one of the Pet Holidays that anyone who has a pet should take the time to learn what to do in an emergency, or accident situation. 

Knowing what foods are poisonous to pets is crucial to their health, and keeping household cleaners and toxins away from pets is as critical as it is when you have young children in the house.

April is National Pet First Aid Awareness Month

This was my daughter Brie's first cat Pixie, who was an inside/outside cat. He evidently got into a cat fight one day, and got clawed over his eye. Pixie had such long hair, that Brie didn't know about his injury, and it got infected and looked like the picture above.  We took him to the vet and had to learn how to deal with his "owwie" until he was better.

We live 5 minutes from a Veterinarian Emergency Hospital, but with things like accidents, or choking, sometimes that is even too long. It is good to know what to do to save your pet, because the first few minutes can be the most crucial, until you can get your pet to the Vet.

What to Do if Your Dog is Choking?

Pet First Aid Awareness Infographic

Info. to come!

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(Leigh's Daughter Brie)

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