There are too many monthly holidays to include here, so please check out our May Holidays page to see all of the holidays that are celebrated the entire month of May.
A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked above.
If a date is a movable holiday, that is different every year, I'll include the year as well as the date rule above. Otherwise, the holiday falls on the same date each year.
World Festivals and Events (Date Order)
Info. to Come!
Astrological Sign
The Astrological Sign for May 31 is Gemini.
Birth Flower of the Month
The Birth Flower(s) for the Month for May are:
The Lily of the Valley - Humility, Chastity and Sweetness - signifies a return to happiness
The Birthstone(s) for May is the Emerald which is a symbol of rebirth and is believed to grant the owner foresight, good fortune, and youth.
Famous Birthdays
1819 - Walt Whitman, American poet called the Father of Free Verse (Leaves of Grass) (d. 1892)
1866 - John Ringling, one of the seven Ringling Brothers who founded the Ringling Brothers Circus (d. 1936)
1898 - Norman Vincent Peale, American minister and author who wrote The Power of Positive Thinking (d. 1993)
1923 - Rainier III, Prince of Monaco (d. 2005)
1930 - Clint Eastwood, American actor, director and producer (Rawhide, Dirty Harry)
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This Day in History
1578 - King Henry III lays the first stone of the oldest bridge of Paris, France
1790 - The U.S. enacts the Copyright Act of 1790
1879 - William Henry Vanderbilt renames Gilmores Garden in NYC to Madison Square Garden and opens it to the public
1889 - The town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania is flooded with a 60-foot wall of water after a dam fails. Over 2,200 people die.
1927 - After 15,007,003 vehicles, production ends for the Ford Model T
1970 - A 7.9 earthquake shakes Peru and a landslide buries the town of Yungay, Peru. Close to 70,000 people killed and 50,000 injured.
1971 - Observation of Memorial Day occurs on the last Monday in May for the first time, due to the Uniform Monday Holiday Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 1968
1977 - The Trans-Alaska Pipeline is completed
1985 - Forty-one tornadoes hit Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York and Ontario, Canada, killing 76
2013 - There are eight fatalities and over 150 injuries in El Reno, Oklahoma after a record 2.6 mile wide tornado strikes
This Day in Music
1956 - Buddy Holly writes That'll be the Day after seeing the John Wayne film The Searchers
1961 - Jimi Hendrix enlists in the Army for 3 year as a member of the Screaming Eagles fighting squad. Over a year later he breaks his ankle during a parachute jump and is honorably discharged
1971 - Day After Day is recorded by Badfinger (video below)
1974 - Gordon Lightfoot's Sundown album is certified Gold
1975 - One of These Nights is released by The Eagles
1998 - Geri Halliwell announces that she has left the Spice Girls
2016 - Alicia Keys announces that she will stop wearing makeup
Above is Day After Day, by Badfinger
This Day in Sports
1967 - A.J. Foyt wins the Indianapolis 500
2015 - At age 92, Harriette Thomson becomes the oldest woman to complete a marathon
Word of the Day from Wiktionary
Omnishambles (noun)
1. (UK, chiefly politics) A situation that is bad or mismanaged in every way.
Wishing You a Great Day Today!
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