2025 Daily Holidays that fall on February 4, include:
African American Coaches Day - February 4, 2025 (First Tuesday in February)
Facebook's Birthday
Homemade Soup Day
I Heart Horror Day
International Day of Human Fraternity
Liberace Day
Medjoola Date Day
National Create a Vacuum Day
National Hemp Day
National Israel Day (People Named Israel)
National Stuffed Mushroom Day
National Thank a Mailman Day
National Wicker Day
Philippine-American War Memorial Day
Quacker Day
Rosa Parks Day - (State of CA and OH)
Sweater Day
Torture Abolition Day
Willie Mays Day
World Cancer Day
2025 Weekly Holidays that include February 4, are:
African Heritage & Health Week - February 1-7
Boy Scout Anniversary Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
Burn Awareness Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
Children's Authors & Illustrators Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
Children's Mental Health Week (U.K.) - February 3-9, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
Dump Your Significant Jerk Week - February 2-8, 2025 (Week Before Valentines Day)
Feeding Tube Awareness Week - February 2-6, 2025 (During the First Week in February for 5 Days)
International Networking Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week of February)
Intimate Apparel Market Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Week of February / May / August / November)
La Poutine Week (Canada) - February 1-7
National Apprenticeship Week (United Kingdom) - February 3-9, 2025
National Children's Mental Health Week - February 2-8, 2025 and May 4-10, 2025 (First Full Week of February and May)
National Crime Prevention Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
National Green Week - February 4 - April 30, 2025 (Start First Full Week in February to April 30)
National Patient Recognition Week - February 1-7
National School Counseling Week - February 3-7, 2025 (First Full M-F Week in February)
National Storytelling Week (U.K.) - January 30 - February 7, 2025
Pay Your Bills Week - February 2-8, 2025 (First Full Week in February)
Pride in Food Services Week - February 3-7, 2025 (First Full Workweek of February)
Publicity for Profit Week - February 2-8
Solo Diners Eat Out Week - February 1-7
Take a New Year's Resolution to Stop Smoking Month (TANYRSS) - December 17, 2024 - February 5, 2025
Tinnitus Awareness Week - February 3-9, 2025
Women's Heart Week - February 1-7 (Annually for 7 days starting February 1)
World Interfaith Harmony Week - February 1-7 (First Week of February)
2025 Monthly Holidays that include February 4, are:
There are too many monthly holidays to include here, so please check out our February Holidays page to see all of the holidays that are celebrated the entire month of February.
A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked above.
If a date is a movable holiday, that is different every year, I'll include the year as well as the date rule above. Otherwise, the holiday falls on the same date each year.
World Festivals and Events (Date Order)
Harbin Ice and Snow Sculpture Festival - Usually starts annually on January 5, and typically runs for a month or more, in Harbin, China and is the largest ice and snow festival in the world! 2025 dates are December 25, 2024 - Late February / Early March, 2025, depending on weather conditions.
Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show - January 17 - February 8, 2025 (Fort Worth, TX)
Chinese New Year Festival and Parade (San Francisco, CA) - January 29 - February 16, 2025, Parade is on February 15, 2025
Yukon Quest - Starting on February 1, 2025 - Typically the Awards Ceremony is six days after the start date.
Astrological Sign
The Astrological Sign for February 4 is an Aquarius.
Birth Flower of the Month
The Birth Flower(s) for the Month for February are:
Violet - symbolizes faithfulness, loyalty, humility, wisdom, and hope
Primrose - Modesty, distinction, and virtue
The Birthstone for February is Amethyst.
Famous Birthdays
1677 – Johann Ludwig Bach, German composer (d. 1731)
1902 – Charles Lindbergh, American pilot and activist (d. 1974)
1913 - Rosa Parks - American civil rights activist (d. 2005)
1947 – Dan Quayle, 44th Vice President of the United States, serving with President George H. W. Bush (1989–1993).
1948 – Alice Cooper, American musician
1962 – Clint Black, American country music singer-songwriter
1975 - Natalie Imbruglia, singer
Famous Deaths
1983 – Karen Carpenter, American singer and drummer (The Carpenters) (b. 1950) She died at age 32, from complications from anorexia.
1987 - Liberace
2006 – Myron Waldman, American animator (b. 1908) He worked on Betty Boop, Raggedy Ann, Gulliver's Travels, the animated adaptations of Superman, and Popeye, and the Casper the Friendly Ghost series.
2012 – Florence Green, British, last surviving veteran of World War I (b. 1901)
Famous Weddings and Divorces
1924 - Musician Louis Armstrong marries his pianist Lillian Hardin
1939 - Actor and singler Frank Sinatra married Nancy Barbato
Quote of the Day
Today is World Cancer Day. Most people have been affected by Cancer, in one way or another....either as Cancer Survivors, one of the many who did not survive the fight, or you might currently have friends or family that are fighting cancer or have lost the fight.
Childhood Cancer, is especially heartbreaking to me, as kids, or their families should not have to struggle with a disease such as Cancer. I can't even imagine! I loved this quote about focusing on the things that Cancer cannot take away from you!
I follow a lot of Kids on Facebook with Cancer, and other life threatening, or terminal illnesses. Everytime I am having a bad day, or something is not going right in my life, I will see a post from the families of one of these kids about their struggles, or the fight that was lost that day, and it is always a wake up call to me, that I really don't have anything to complain about!
Healthy Diet Habit Tip of the Day or a Recipe of the Day
The Holidays and Observances Recipe of the Day for February 4th, is a Healthy Vegetarian Bean Soup from Kerry, at Healthy Diet Habits. February 4th is Homemade Soup Day, and the month of February is National Fiber Focus Month, so this is a great choice for the day! Soups are also great during the winter months.
1789 – George Washington is unanimously elected as the first President of the United States by the U.S. Electoral College.
1846 – The first Mormon pioneers make their exodus from Nauvoo, Illinois, westward towards Utah Territory.
1861 – During the American Civil War, in Montgomery, Alabama, delegates from six break-away U.S. states meet and form the Confederate States of America.
1866 - Mary Baker Eddy, Founder of Christian Science, cures her injuries by opening a bible
1936 – Radium becomes the first radioactive element to be made synthetically.
1938 - Hitler seizes control of German army & puts Nazi in key posts
1941 – The United Service Organization (USO) is created to entertain American troops.
1957 - 1st electric portable typewriter is placed on sale in Syracuse, NY
1971 - British car maker Rolls Royce declared itself bankrupt
1974 – The Symbionese Liberation Army kidnaps Patty Hearst in Berkeley, California
1985 - 20 countries (but not US) sign UN treaty outlawing torture
2002 – Cancer Research UK, the world's largest independent cancer research charity, is founded.
2004 – Facebook, a mainstream online social networking site, is founded by Mark Zuckerberg.
This Day in Music
1966 - The Who play their first show as headliners, at the Astoria in Finsbury Park, England
1971 - The Osmonds' One Bad Apple is certified gold
1977 - ABC's American Bandstand rock show celebrates its 25th anniversary on the air with a prime time special
1977 - Fleetwood Mac's, "Rumours" is released 1977 - Wings release "Maybe I'm Amazed"
1978 - The Bee Gees' Stayin' Alive hits #1
2008 - Phil Lesh, Bob Weir and Mickey Hart resurrect Grateful Dead for a benefit concert in support of presidential hopeful Barack Obama in San Francisco.
2012 - Adele becomes the first female British artist to have 3 #1 songs from the same album on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, with Set Fire to the Rain from the album 21. (Below is her Set Fire to the Rain video)
This Day in Sports
1924 - 1st Winter Olympic games close at Chamonix France
1932 - 3rd Winter Olympic games open in Lake Placid, NY
1976 – The 12th Winter Olympics opens in Innsbruck, Austria.
1983 - US male Figure Skating championship won by Scott Hamilton
1991 - Hall of Fame's board of directors vote 12-0 to bar Pete Rose
Word of the Day from Wiktionary
blemish (noun)
1. A small flaw which spoils the appearance of something, a stain, a spot. 2. A moral defect; a character flaw.
Wishing You a Great Day Today!
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